Every single day I get several questions related to a diet plan needed for fighting gout. I also get some examples that may sound weird at first but they actually work. Most of the questions are related to simple diet plans that have tremendous benefits over a short period of time. For example, losing 10 pounds a week or something similar.
Honestly, I believe that all the methods you can use and all the diets that promise you that are not great. They are not healthy and they usually have the same drawback. You will lose weight and you will feel powerful, but once you stop with the diet, all the pounds will come back.
This brings us to the gout and Atkins diet. It was a very popular diet and it was something that millions have tried. A more important question is how it links to gout and should we, gout sufferers be on this diet?
What is Atkins diet?
The diet is low-carb plan, which is primarily used for losing weight as quickly as possible. An interesting fact is that you can eat as much protein and also fat while on the diet, which sounds confusing.
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This plan was developed in 1972 by Dr. Robert C. Atkins and it actually was criticized for the poor development and the fact it is completely unhealthy. However, since then we had over 20 studies that proved that these types of diets actually work and they are beneficial.
Keep in mind that the diet has been known under many names and today you probably won’t find it in the original form. Nevertheless, all of the variations have the same steps and the same facts.
One, a clear benefit is that you can lose plenty of weight over a short period of time while on Atkins diet. It is very effective. It is fast and you can notice the first results within a few days.
It looks perfect and it seems like we all should follow this diet starting today. The truth is completely opposite and I will explain it in the next section.

Atkins diet and gout
Did you know that a person who invented the diet, Dr. Robert C. Atkins had a weight of 238 pounds at the time of his death? He was considered as obese the entire life, even after developing the diet. If a person who develops some special diet that is so effective, but still maintains high weight, you can deduce that something is wrong.
Can the atkins diet cause gout?
The truth of gout and Atkins diet is that you will lose weight following the diet. You will lose it too quickly and you will lose it only as long as you stay on the diet plan. As soon as you stop, you will regain all that weight back!
When a gout sufferer loses too much weight over a short period of time, he is at a much higher risk of developing a gout attack. At the same time, the uric acid level will vary wildly and you will once again get a gout flare!
As such, the Atkins diet should be avoided. Many experts will tell you the same thing. It should be avoided by people who simply want to lose weight but especially by gout sufferers. It is far from a healthy way to lose weight and it has been linked to increased risk of developing gout, renal disease, heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis and so much more.
Atkins diet is one of the lazy diets where you can lose weight but not doing anything about it. This never works and the risk is much higher than the benefits.
Suggested article: Weight Loss And Gout (How And Why Weight Affects Gout?)
The alternative to the Atkins diet
Now you know that gout and Atkins diet must not be connected. This diet is terrible for all gout sufferers and it has vast downsides that will result in you, getting a new gout flare or even developing gout if you haven’t suffered from it until now. The alternative is to use fruit and vegetable based diets. You need to lose between 1 and 2 pounds per week, not per day! By using this rule, you will safely lose weight and you won’t have to worry about gout and Atkins diet.
Suggested articles:
– Gout And Vegetarian Diet – Is It The Ultimate Diet?
– Gout And Fruit – All You Have To Know
– Oatmeal And Gout – Is Oatmeal Bad For Gout?
The Gout Eraser™: The all-natural guide for permanent gout removal
The Gout Eraser™ is a short, to the point guide on how to reverse gout symptoms without ever leaving your home. The guide goes into extensive detail on exactly what you need to do to safely, effectively and permanently get rid of gout, and you are GUARANTEED to see dramatic improvements in days if not hours.
To learn more about The Gout Eraser™ system, check out the following free video presentation: The Gout Eraser™