How to Stop Gout Attack – 4 Methods that Actually Work

how to stop gout attack

We, gout sufferers are the only people on the planet who actually know how much a gout attack actually hurt. The level of pain is severe and most of us have a hard time preventing or stopping a gout attack. Here I will reveal how to stop gout attack with methods that actually work. In addition, I actually tried all of them and commonly use the combination of them in a case of the gout attack.

Gout attack: Basics

If you have never suffered a gout attack, but you think soon one will hit you, now is the time to get a close idea what it this actually. A gout attack occurs when the levels of uric acid get too high so they form crystals in your joint. They actually cause pain which is unbearable.

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The symptoms include swollen, hot and red joints or a single joint and they may occur at any given moment. Sadly, they occur at night, so you will likely be awakened by the attack. Keep in mind that even if you suffer from just one symptom, a gout attack is a probable cause. However, I personally know that there are almost always one or more symptoms linked together.

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How to stop gout attack

1. Take a medication

A medication in this case scenario is the first and the main step to follow. There is no point in trying anything else if you don’t want to take a medication. If you are one of those who avoid taking a medication just because it has side effects, then you will have to suffer through the entire gout attack!

The best medications for this issue are ibuprofen and naproxen. I have been using both of them and they proved more than just effective in preventing a gout attack. I know how problematic it may be to function while under pain, but this is something we all must do.

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ibuprofen treating gout pain

Try to remember that if you are already taking a medication which should reduce levels of uric acid, you must continue to take it daily, or as your doctor prescribed. This is absolutely essential if you are looking for a way to prevent future gout attacks and to live a happier life. In addition, a doctor may prescribe you an anti-inflammatory medication which is also a useful tool versus a gout attack.

The medications I have mentioned at the beginning are the most effective and they are the best for this situation. They also have the lowest number of side effects, so they are definitely something worth considering. If you are a gout sufferer like me, you will have to keep them within your reach at all times.

Other medications used to treat gout are:

  • Indomethacin (more information here)
  • Febuxostat (more information here)
  • Colchicine (more information here)
  • Prednisone (more information here)

2. Place ice on the problematic joint

Almost always medications will need some time to start reacting. Meanwhile, you can place a bag of ice on the problematic joint. This is more than just essential when it comes to keeping the pain under control. Of course, if you want to know how to stop gout attack, you will have to know that you must keep ice for 30 minutes per a day. Of course, this should be stretched in shorter intervals, so keep the ice several times for 5-10 minutes.

Place ice on the problematic joint

Ice isn’t the key solution, but it is known that cold will reduce the blood vessels and the pain receptors while reducing the actual inflammation. As such, you can expect relief almost instantly. In addition, ice will also cool down the joint, obviously.

Don’t try to prevent a gout attack using this method. I must add that this is simply an addition while waiting for the medications to start reacting. The method itself is unable to prevent an attack because the inflammation didn’t occur at that moment.

3. Call your doctor

If the pain occurs even after you have taken medications and used the ice down method, call your doctor. He will probably start with a joint fluid test just to confirm the gout attack. But, the actual reason why you should call your doctor is in the fact he may give you the corticosteroid. This is an injection which will relieve symptoms immediately. As such, you can expect pain relief within a matter of seconds.

If the level of pain is huge and you must find an alternative, this is the way to do it. He may also prescribe you a new medication which is more effective in your case scenario.

Suggested article: Colchicine And Gout (A Drug That Must Be Used To Treat Gout Attacks)

4. Drink fluids, but avoid alcohol

One way to prevent a new gout attack is to consume 16 cups of fluids per a single day. I actually use this method for some time and the results are impressive. The gout attacks are rarer than ever and they are less painful than ever before. The main reason why this method is so effective is the fact it reduces the levels of uric acids. It also keeps you safe from kidney stones, which is an issue commonly related to the high levels of uric acid.

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When I said fluids, I meant water or natural juices. Alcohol must be avoided at all cost. It is rich in purines which will increase the levels of uric acid, so they will also be responsible for new gout attacks. Keep in mind that this refers to all types of alcohol.

Besides alcohol, avoid shellfish, processed food, and red meat. They are also rich in purines, the ingredient you must avoid at all cost.

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Now you know how to stop gout attack. It isn’t as simple as you may believe, but it is manageable. At the same time, these are simple methods that actually work and they will guarantee help you. Don’t forget that the best way to stop a gout attack is prevention, so avoid alcohol and foods I have mentioned earlier. The results will be visible and you will have a much better quality of life. I know, because I have been using all of these methods for months and the results are impressive.

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The Gout Eraser™: The all-natural guide for permanent gout removal

The Gout Eraser™ is a short, to the point guide on how to reverse gout symptoms without ever leaving your home. The guide goes into extensive detail on exactly what you need to do to safely, effectively and permanently get rid of gout, and you are GUARANTEED to see dramatic improvements in days if not hours.

To learn more about The Gout Eraser™ system, check out the following free video presentation: The Gout Eraser™


  1. MH September 5, 2021
    • Latrisha September 12, 2021

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