How to Prevent Arthritis? – 7 Ways to Prevent Arthritis

how to prevent arthritis

Arthritis affects joints to cause pain, stiffness and significantly reduce their motion. The symptoms may be mild or even very severe for some cases. It is a widespread condition that will affect many people at some point in life. The disease has no sure way of prevention, but there are certain steps to take about how to prevent arthritis.

How To Prevent Arthritis?

There are many risk factors to developing arthritis, and some are beyond one’s control, such as aging, sex, or hereditary factors. With controllable factors specifically, you can take necessary steps to prevent its occurrence or delay the onset.

1. Healthy diet

Remaining healthy focuses on several things. It starts with maintaining a healthy diet. Some diets are associated with the development of some forms of inflammatory arthritis like gout. Diet is also connected to developing immune system disorders or what is referred to as metabolic syndrome. These are diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, kidney disorders, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. One who suffers from such conditions is more prone to developing arthritis.

Hypertension stiffens articular cartilage, and this makes joint damage more likely to occur. Diabetes inflames the body and can deteriorate the cartilage, while fat cells cause the release of proteins called cytokines. These proteins can worsen inflammation as they break down cartilage.

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2. Get in shape

Another risk factor of developing arthritis is being overweight. Having extra pounds will exert a lot of pressure on your weight-bearing joints like the ankles, hips, and knees. As you gain more weight, more stress is put on these joints.

To prevent arthritis that affects such joints, you will need to focus on remaining healthy. Focus on losing weight if you are overweight. A pound gain adds almost 4 pounds on the knees and puts six times the pressure on the hips. Consume more low-fat, plant-based, whole, or anti-inflammatory foods.


3. Exercises and stretching

Exercising goes a long way in the prevention of arthritic conditions. Exercises strengthen joint muscles, and the joints move appropriately as they should. Exercises will also stabilize the joints and can offer protection against wear and tear. Osteoarthritis mainly develops due to cartilage wear and tear. You do not even have to perform very high-impact exercises. Low impact ones like walking, swimming, and cycling are excellent and effective.

Stretching will keep your joints limber and can ultimately improve their range of motion. Incorporating a gentle and simple stretch routine will help you prevent arthritis. A combination and alteration of various ranges of exercises work best. As you exercise, learn and use the proper techniques.

4. Taking precautions to prevent injury or trauma

Arthritis, mainly of the spine, can occur due to injury. An injured joint will be more susceptible to arthritis than an uninjured one. Without a doubt, avoiding injury is essential. If you are into sports, always ensure that you put on protective gear. As you lift objects, use your hips and knees and not your back. As you carry things, keep them close to your body so as not to strain the wrists.

5. Always maintain a proper posture

Improper posture may cause you to develop arthritis especially, related to the spine. You must therefore ensure that you maintain the proper posture at all times. If you have to stay in the same position, make sure to refresh the posture every 15- 20 minutes. As you sit or stand for very long hours, remain upright and always ensure that your legs, arms, and back are well supported.

6. Avoid or quit smoking

Smoking increases the likelihood of rheumatoid arthritis. It also can bring about circulatory and breathing complications. Ultimately, staying active becomes difficult, and it prevents movement. The two are key to preventing arthritis.

7. See the doctor

Slowing arthritis progress and preserving mobility are significant. Arthritis damage is also more progressive, and you may not even know when your arthritis becomes worse. If you suspect or experience arthritic symptoms, you must see a rheumatologist or doctor for an accurate diagnosis. With this, you can be advised on maintenance options and how to prevent chronic arthritis.

Final Thoughts

There has not been an established cure for arthritis. For those that wonder about how to prevent arthritis, the methods mentioned above will go a long way to avoid its occurrence or progression.

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