Gout And Water – Is Drinking Water Good For Gout?

gout and water

Gout and water are not only linked together, but they are something every single gout sufferer must know as soon as possible. You can fight gout with water, due to the fact this liquid is essential for a proper health of our body. First of all, it won’t stress the kidneys or liver as other liquids will, so it is better to drink as much water as you possibly can. In addition, water is more beneficial if you know that it has a direct link with uric acid.

Is Drinking Water Good For Gout?

When we consume plenty of water which is half a gallon per a day or better said 8 glasses of water, we will decrease the level of uric acid. Water also helps us lubricate the joints and helps us remove the uric acid from the body. In order to get this benefit, you must consume the just mentioned amount of water per a day. If you don’t then there is a higher risk of developing a gout attack, dehydration or even kidney failure. There is no need in telling you that all of this also increases the level of uric acid, so you are at a higher risk of developing gout or gout attack.

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Are you consuming sufficient amount of water?

There is a simple way to check are you consuming sufficient amount of water. In order to understand you will have to check the pH levels in the morning and at night. It should be between 6.5 and 7.5 mg/dl constantly. If it is in the mentioned range, you are consuming a sufficient amount of water, so be free to continue like that. Another way is to check your urine. It must be clean and odorless. If it is yellow for example or has another color, it means that your water consumption is still low, so kidneys will trap a significant amount of toxins and fluids!

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Always try to consume the aforementioned amount of water. If you are unable, then make sure to consume it for a longer period of time. For example, I prefer drinking a half glass of water 16 times per a day. It is an individual matter, but the main fact to know here is that the mentioned amount of water essential for all of us, gout sufferers. More water won’t do you any harm, so don’t be afraid of this fact. As a matter of fact, the more the merrier.

Water is even more needed when you exercise. If you do exercise on a regular basis, you will have to consume 24 ounces before the training and 14 ounces after it. Make sure to drink plenty of water during the workout as well.

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More water is needed for those who have a protein-based diet

If your diet is mostly based on protein, therefore meat, you will need to drink even more water. What this means is that your body will be exposed to various toxins which have a lot of negative effects. Luckily, water helps us remove them from the body.

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Keep in mind that every single gout sufferer must have a diet which is based on carbohydrates. Only then you will be completely safe from gout and gout attacks and only then you will be able to have a normal life. Having a diet which is based on protein isn’t an option.

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glass of water


So, now you know that gout and water are something every one of you must know all about it. All you should remember is that drinking more water than usual or more than other people is essential to having a better and a healthier life. If you want to know more about the water and its effects on gout, be free to leave a comment below.

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The Gout Eraser™: The all-natural guide for permanent gout removal

The Gout Eraser™ is a short, to the point guide on how to reverse gout symptoms without ever leaving your home. The guide goes into extensive detail on exactly what you need to do to safely, effectively and permanently get rid of gout, and you are GUARANTEED to see dramatic improvements in days if not hours.

To learn more about The Gout Eraser™ system, check out the following free video presentation: The Gout Eraser™

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  1. Victor Getov January 21, 2021

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