Hyperuricemia and Gout – Connection and Treatment

When suffering from gout, every day should be carefully managed and planned. You need actions and foods and beverages that will help you and correspondingly, you need to eliminate all the ones that may contribute to the gout attack.

The first part I have explained is easy to follow. There are a few rules and that’s it. But, what about diseases and conditions that affect gout as well? Some conditions are more than just complicated and serious while others are minor.

Anyway, the topic for today is gout and hyperuricemia. At first sight, you may believe that these two are the same. There are no major differences and you may even believe that hyperuricemia is responsible for gout. The truth is different.

What is hyperuricemia?

Hyperuricemia is precisely as you may imagine. It is a condition in which uric acid levels will be extremely high and they can reach various values all above 7 mg/dl in the blood.

This disease can cause heart attacks, diabetes and also kidney disease. However, it can also cause gout which is the main topic here. I will explain more of the topic later on and I will try to explain all the connections.

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Hyperuricemia usually occurs as the side effects of acid production or kidney processes. Kidneys have power to remove all the excess uric acid from the blood and if there is simply too much of it then, kidneys cannot achieve this process.

This brings us to the crystal formation, which can theoretical occur anywhere in the body but in most situations, it will be located inside the joints, especially in the toe. This is a textbook on how gout appears.

I must add that the hyperuricemia itself isn’t a disease, it is a condition. It is generally harmless but can cause certain diseases and other conditions which will be discussed later on.

Only 1/3 of all people suffering from hyperuricemia develop one or two of the most severe symptoms (asymptomatic hyperuricemia) and diseases. In addition, the main condition here affects over 43 million people in the United States.

Hyperuricemia and gout connection

By now, you should know that gout and hyperuricemia are connected and that they are not the same thing. Gout is a symptom of hyperuricemia and it occurs only in 20% of people suffering from the condition.

The explanation of why this happens is obvious. Hyperuricemia literally causes your body to produce and to manage more uric acid that normally which results in urate crystals depositing in joints. Gout is mostly present in toe, elbows, ankles, feet, and knees.

Just because you suffer from hyperuricemia doesn’t mean that you will suffer from gout. The risk is increased but the odds are relatively minor. As I have mentioned, only a small percentage develops gout.

Treatment for the hyperuricemia

I had to devote a major section here to the treatment of patients who suffer from gout and hyperuricemia. First of all, if you suffer from asymptomatic hyperuricemia there is no treatment available nor one is recommended. What this means that there are no benefits and advantages of therapies that can lower uric acid levels.

More importantly, you need to treat a condition that has been linked to hyperuricemia. What this simply means if gout is developed as a side effect, you need to treat gout rather than hyperuricemia.

The treatments that are used most commonly in this situation include various medications such as Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, Colchicine, Probenecid, and Allopurinol. They are very effective and they can help you when you have a gout flare.

Suggested article: Colchicine And Gout (A Drug That Must Be Used To Treat Gout Attacks)

In some rare situations, a doctor may recommend a surgery of the affected joint in order to eliminate gout once for all. I personally recommend a proper diet and physical activity as the best medications. Of course, when must those medications need to be taken.

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In the end, all I can say about gout and hyperuricemia is that gout occurs as a side effect of the main condition and you need to treat it separately. Hyperuricemia isn’t treated as a separate disease simply because it is a condition, not a disease. Treating gout is something I can help you with, so read my posts.

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The Gout Eraser™: The all-natural guide for permanent gout removal

The Gout Eraser™ is a short, to the point guide on how to reverse gout symptoms without ever leaving your home. The guide goes into extensive detail on exactly what you need to do to safely, effectively and permanently get rid of gout, and you are GUARANTEED to see dramatic improvements in days if not hours.

To learn more about The Gout Eraser™ system, check out the following free video presentation: The Gout Eraser™

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