Diuretics And Gout – Can Diuretics Cause Gout?

diuretics and gout

Yes, diuretics can cause gout and this fact was discovered 25 years ago. Diuretics and gout relationship is difficult to explain, but it all happens with the body and with the levels of uric acid.

What are diuretics and how they work?

Doctors will probably prescribe you diuretics if you suffer from a high blood pressure. They are the best medications for this issue due to the fact they have fewer side effects than other medications and they are more than just helpful. How they work actually? They will reduce the volume of blood that flows in your arteries and they will increase the level or urine.

The fluid from the blood will be forced through the kidneys, meaning that the level of urine will be increased. Reducing the volume of the blood will decrease the blood pressure, but there is another issue which will occur.

Can Diuretics Cause Gout?

Diuretics will eliminate or reduce water from your body, but at the same time, they will increase the uric acid level! Once that occurs, it is only the matter of time when you will develop a gout attack. According to a study which involved more than 5789 people, they discovered that the risk of developing gout is far higher if you take these medications. As a matter of fact, regardless of which type of diuretics you take, the risk will be increased.

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This refers to the secondary type of gout, due to the fact it isn’t inherited but you will develop it due to outside factors. This type of gout is also common among people who suffer from poor diet or low level of exercise.

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I must mention that this refers to people who have never had gout or a gout attack. They are at a higher risk than people who don’t take diuretics, also known as water pills. Also, remember that the first time gout attack occurs, the pain will be more than just high and you will have severe issues managing it. Of course, you will survive, but the pain will be more than just high.

I will also add that if that happens, you will need some medications to manage the pain. Ibuprofen is more than just recommended and it is more than just helpful. I have been taking it for years when a gout attack occurs and I must say that it actually helps.

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High blood pressure?

Sadly, if you suffer from high blood pressure you must take diuretics. In this case scenario, you will have to have a consultation with your doctor and ask for medications which are the best when it comes to gout. Not all diuretics will cause the same risk of developing gout or a gout attack, so a doctor will probably prescribe to you some of the medications which are less harmful than others. Also, keep in mind that you must take them accordingly and follow the instructions a doctor gave you.

For gout suffers, it is important to ask for medications which have a low impact on gout forming. It is important to know that there are 3-4 medications which are desirable in this case scenario. Of course, they are also more than just help with the high blood pressure, but they won’t or they have less risk of developing gout issue. Basically, this is a must. You cannot live without medications and you will have to take them in order to reduce the blood pressure.

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diuretics for high blood pressure

The final word

Diuretics gout is a severe issue which may occur to all of us. It is complicated to treat and it is painful. But, it can be managed. Keep in mind that you must demand special medications which won’t cause gout or which will keep you safe from a gout attack if you already suffer from this condition. Doctors are more than just familiar with this situation, so they will eventually understand what you must take and how frequently. Also, don’t forget that medications for a high blood pressure must be taken daily. In a case of a gout attack, use ibuprofen or some other anti-pain or anti-inflammatory medication in order to treat the symptoms and eliminate the pain. Also, try to change your lifestyle and make it healthier.

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The Gout Eraser™: The all-natural guide for permanent gout removal

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